Friday, September 19, 2008

Wicked Bad Blogger

Instead of writing yet another explanation as to why I have been - well, not here - this week, let me just say - in New England vernacular - I am wicked tired.

"Wicked" is what we say here in New England when no other adjective quite captures the sentiment of exaggeration that we want to get across. It does not mean that I am wicked. In fact, I'm not wicked at all, really...except, maybe a bit when I'm trying to get lost in the hotness that is Jon Hamm on my latest TiVoed "Mad Men" episode, and I discover Fifth Grader secretly watching from the kitchen under the cover of darkness. Mama gets a little testy when this happens. Fifth Grader is too young for admiring hotness.

I digress.

It's been one hell of a week. As a family, we operate on a carefully balanced, Moving At The Speed of Light day-to-day routine that depends MUCH too highly on everyone being well-fed, well-rested, and at least mildly cheery. Any one of these elements goes awry, we have issues. This week, we had a lot of issues.

So I'm sad. I'm sad that I was not able to get to the desk a few times, at least to read and comment on what everyone else has been writing about. I'm sad that I did not have a chance to respond to some new commenters here, because I do like me some comments. I'm sad that I told a certain Stefanie that I was going to add her to my list and then didn't. (It's there now, Stefanie!) I'm sad that I did not have two minutes to write about Open House at the Tornadoes' school. Or about the black bear and the baby fox that I saw in the same day. Or about the totally amazing WWII aircraft display that I took Fifth Grader to see, the one that I described in her homework agenda book as "History Field Trip" to make up for the fact that I basically made her blow off her actual assignment for that night.

Truth be told, I'm sure I did have two minutes, but I spent them sleeping.

I am now off to enjoy the crowning jewel experience of my week: the one hour drive from work to the school to fetch Fifth Grader, followed by the twenty minute commute to deposit her at gymnastics practice; the retrieval, feeding and bathing of Third Grader from her practice; and the return commute to, once again, fetch Fifth Grader.

All to be followed by a wicked stiff drink.


Anonymous said...

Sleep is good. Sleep is very good. But a stiff drink is even bettah! I'm not sure when you have time to do either given all you have to do.

Poppy B. said...

You said it, sister. And wicked well!

To misappropriate Alexander Pope:

Bloggery is truth to advantage dressed / What oft was said, but ne'er so well expressed.

Firefly Mom said...

Wow - if I had that kind of week on top of all that driving, *I'd* be having a drink, too! (or should that be " or two"? ;)

Now I feel even more special that you find the time to comment on my blog not once, but twice!

Now get some sleep. You deserve it!

t said...

I'm a New Englander and I know that wicked word well. ;)

Have a wicked good day...or as they say here in RI..."Wickit"

Anonymous said...

Are you making fun of the way I talk? It's the ONLY thing that gives me away as a New Englander 'round these here parts. I don't use it often enough.