Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dilemmas Dilemmas Dilemmas

Dilemma #1: So pretty much immediately after publishing last post, my computer died.

This is not good. I was just getting in the swing of things. This is crucial readership-building time... Plus, I finished Julia Child and have ohsomuch to say about it!

Will get myself to a Geek Squadery as soon as possible. The weekend is coming!

Well, OK it's only Tuesday...but it is coming eventually. And it seems the weekend is prime posting time for me.

Dilemma #2: Have been approached by M to consider starting up a book club, which I am certainly willing to do. Believe D has expressed interest in participating as well? The trouble: how will it work, what to read, how to solicit members?

Not particularly overwhelmed with the "how to" stuff at this time, but have been trying to research what to read. This has always presented a quandary for me - selecting reading material. Thought there might be some rather concise lists of recommendation floating around out there in cyber world.

Yah. There are. About twenty trillion. Holy moly...and me without a functioning computer to continue my research.

OK, that is actually only TWO dilemmas, but am working on borrowed time and "borrowed" Internet connection. So what can I say? Just trying to keep the infant blog from going dark for too long!

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