Wednesday, June 25, 2008

And Now, Some Shameless Self-Promotion

So my column for the NH Mirror starts next Wednesday...

If you are not familiar with the NH Mirror, it is the super classy local women's magazine that is out in print for FREE once a month and can be found in oh, a gazillion places around the state.

My column - Tween Us Girls: This Is Not Your Mother's Adolescence - will appear in the online Forum. It debuts July 2nd, with new stuff every other Wednesday thereafter.

Not coincidentally, July 2nd is the drop date for the next print edition, and an introduction for Tween Us Girls will run in that edition. As I said, the magazine is available all over the place. The website has a list of locations where you can pick one up, and if you're not in New Hampshire you can still read a lot of the print articles here:

Did I mention that it's free? Did I mention that I will be writing for the online forum? July 2nd? Every other Wednesday? Am I talking too loud? I feel like I'm talking too loud. I'm a little giddy at the moment. Please endure.

Oh, and I will also continue to write AficioNada. So come see me. Here and there. On a train. In the rain.

You get the picture.


Unknown said...

So, how much will this cost?

sarah said...

jealous. there. I said it. jealous.

and very happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm just getting around to this, it's been a wee bit mad around here.

Anyway, this is fantastic! How do the Twornadoes feel about their famous mom?

Tress said...

Dingo - hardly famous, more like outed. And the tornadoes? Are all about their impending trip at the moment, so not so aware that they are about to be discussed in multiple places. I'm sure some nice well-read member of the community will let them know eventually.