Monday, October 13, 2008

Get The Funk Out

Understatement of the year: last week sucked. It sucked big.

It seems that, when it comes to our jobs, a lot of bloggers draw themselves a line that says "I will only discuss this so far." Me? I refuse to discuss it at all. Because that's not why I'm here. I'm here to discuss pretty much anything BUT my job. In fact, one of the things I most love about writing - be it here, my column, a note inside a birthday card - is that it has the effect of squeezing out any remnant of work-related thought that's still kicking around. I like that very much. Even on a slow day my job can be pretty intense, and it is with a glad heart that I come here to forget about it and tell you trivial stories.

And I still don't want to talk about my job. But last week? Well. You may have noticed that the world is a little grumpy right now. You may have noticed that fortunes are being lost. You may have noticed that an election of substantial consequence is looming directly over our heads. And last week - actually, the last few weeks, but especially last week - I have had the great discomfort of repeatedly hashing these things over with a variety of people hour after hour, day after day. Oh, and also trying to reassure them that the world is not ending.

Second biggest understatement of the year: This can tire a girl out.

So I missed my column deadline last week. Okay, it's a self-imposed deadline - but still, missing it is not exactly good for its promotion. I could barely summon the energy to breathe at the end of each day, much less write. Anything. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone's birthday...but if I did, seriously, I'm calling a mulligan. That's why Hallmark invented "belated".

But it's Monday again, and time for new hope. New energy. New starts. And I have identified the following silver linings in last week's cloud of gloom:

* No potato chips entered my house. If ever there was a week for a potato chip chow down, that was it.

* I actually didn't mind that my girls had standardized testing most of last week - though I fiercely disagree with the whole concept - because it meant little to no homework to tax my one remaining nightly brain cell.

...That's all I've got. There's no school today, so I'm working from home, which means I will require large quantities of coffee. Better go get started.


Anonymous said...

You know, you could have made last week so much better by letting the salty, crispy goodness of a chip pass your lips. Just sayin'.

Firefly Mom said...

Sorry you had such a cruddy week! In my house it's chocolate, not chips, but I so get the desire for comfort foods when life is in the crapper. Good for you for staying strong!

Well, I don't work outside of the home (homeschooling is work enough, thanks!), but I get the whole not writing when everything else is going on thing. Invariably if I miss blogging for 5 - 6 days, I get e-mails from some of my regulars wondering if I'm dealing with my mom (which is the equivalent of your last week ;)

Here's hoping you have a better week!

Anonymous said...

Understatement of the millenium: Last week sucked.

Ya I briefly considered taking up a smoking habit, just so I would have an excuse to get up from my desk and make sure that the sky was in fact, not falling...

Poppy B. said...

My gym has been wondering where I've been for the past month. Easy. Resting up for overseeing the homework, and actually overseeing it. I worked out like crazy last summer when they were in camp with NO HOMEWORK. So I, too, enjoy the nights off.