Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'll See Your Special K and Raise You A Bowl of Corn Flakes

First things first: new column is up.

I've decided to switch to a Sunday night/Monday morning schedule instead of the mid-week thing I was doing. Partly because I think more people screw around on the internet on Mondays (that whole "I don't wanna go back to work" thing) and partly because, if the last few weeks are any indication, my own week has the tendency to implode by Tuesday. So give it a read, I think you'll enjoy it.

More importantly this evening: I am happy to say that I survived my first 5K! In fact, survived - please - I ran my best time ever! No doubt, I was NOT in it to beat anyone. I just wanted to finish the damn thing without collapsing in a heap. And finish it I did, in something like 28:30 or right around there...I was pretty much focused on remaining upright as I approached the finish line, but I know the giant clock had a 28 on it as I passed. I feel pretty good about the time, because I am actually a very slooow runner, but hey - you want some motivation? Ask someone fifteen years your junior to be your running partner! And, oh! Make sure that running partner knows everyone in the freaking city that is totally ripped and beautiful! And get them all to show up and talk about "respectable finishing times" in a circle around you while you silently panic! Yeah. That'll get your butt moving.

(Seriously, K, good race. We'll do it again. And next time, you can get new clothes - I promise I won't freak out.)

So I loved the adrenaline rush of being in that crowd, and I'll definitely be running more races. In the spring. My plan is to get into 10K form by then, so I'll have to take a look at the training schedules that I photocopied - er, I mean, took copious notes about on a separate sheet of paper. Also, don't a lot of athletes have rituals? I need some rituals. Starting with my pre-race breakfast: corn flakes and coffee. Next time, more coffee. But definitely corn flakes.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! It feels great, doesn't it? When are you going to run a 10K?

sarah said...

that's AWESOME!!! I'm so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

that's so impressive! and here I am, sitting on my couch, contemplating a run. you've inspired me! I'm going to do it!

Firefly Mom said...

Wow! That is so cool! Being the complete and total wuss that I am, I have to ask: How long does it take to train? And how long does it take your body to recover?

Tress said...

Dingo - geez, no pressure or anything! The answer is I don't know. Sometime next spring. Probably not my first race, though.

Sarah - call me right now, I'm free!

Sunny - I've always wanted to inspire someone! Did you do it?

Firefly Mom - I am probably not the most qualified to answer those questions, as I basically trained completely WRONG for a long time. But I have my 10k training schedule in front of me...says here I'm not even ready for PRE-training yet, meaning I am not putting up enough weekly mileage yet. So...two to three weeks to Pre-pre-train, five weeks in pre-training, and then 12 weeks of actual training. And recovery? The 5k wasn't bad, I'm still a tiny bit sore 2 days later. Anything longer than this is probably a totally different story.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tress, Way to go on the 5K!!