Friday, April 18, 2008

Writing: Revisited

This week I finished reading three books. Sounds like an accomplishment until I tell you when I started each of them. Which I'm not going to tell you, actually, but it wasn't this week. It wasn't last week, either.

I also forced myself to stay up past my children's bedtime every single night, and even made it to my writing desk three of those nights. While I was there, I even wrote. Unlike finishing three books, this probably does not sound all that amazing, but trust me. (How I ever began this indulgent habit of going to sleep when my children do just confounds me. This is the same person who got a college degree with two kids and a full-time job. When did 8:30 become the new midnight?)

I love my writing desk. It's an antique - a gorgeous nineteenth century piece, smaller than contemporary desks, with beautiful carved legs. I can see it from my bed, and I gaze upon it daily, even on the many days that I don't visit it. Sometimes I whisper to it. Hello, pretty writing desk. What brilliant things have been penned while seated at you? What are you doing over there? Why am I so sleepy?

When I do make it to my desk, as I did three times this week, I feel official. I feel writerly. I make things up and I write them down, and I say, hey! Whaddya know! I'm writing again! It's blissful. I know who I am. Hope exists.

Then time passes - days, weeks - and finally I find myself at my desk, and I look over the writing I did last time I was there. And I just hate it. So I throw it away and start something else. Bliss. Hopefulness. Know who I am. Rinse and repeat.

I must find the key to breaking this cycle! Really, it can only be one thing. I know what the One Thing is. The One Thing is pulling myself up to that desk not three times in one week, but every day every week. I know this is possible, because long passages of my life have included daily writing. The next such long passage needs to begin now.

Tomorrow I am attending the NH Writer's Project Writer's Day Conference, an all-day affair that I signed up for about a month ago. I registered for three workshops, though I can't remember what they're called. I do remember choosing roast beef for my box lunch. I hope to come away from this conference feeling inspired, compelled to head directly to my desk and apply this inspiration to my own words. I hope to at least be able to peg the beginning of my next long life passage that includes daily writing to the Day I Went to That Conference, even if I learn nothing, and I can't believe that I will learn nothing.

At the very, very least, I hope the roast beef is good. I could always write about that, I guess.


sarah said...

I hope you had a great time at the writer's conference and I hope you're sitting at your writing desk right now, writing!

Unknown said...

I would warn Miss S. that if she's going to LA, that tongue of hers will have to be pierced, otherwise, she'll stand out in the crowd.

Hope your writing went well, and I'll stay tuned for more

- Jim